Privacy policy

The legal framework for personal data processing is Act No. 18/2018 Coll. on the Protection of Personal Data as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Personal Data Protection Act") and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, which regulate in particular the protection of the rights of natural persons against unauthorized interference in their private life when processing their personal data, data rights, obligations and responsibilities in the processing of personal data of natural persons.

In terms of terms:

  • the person concerned means any natural person to whom the personal data relate, in this case each user who submitted their personal data and CV via the form located on our website,

  • the processor is the company Trenkwalder, a.s., with registered office at Mickiewiczova 9, 811 07 Bratislava, ID: 35 861 169, which defined the purpose of processing personal data, determined the conditions of their processing and processes personal data on its own behalf,

  • intermediary means anyone, everyone who processes personal data on behalf of the processor,

  • recipient means anyone to whom personal data is provided, regardless of whether it is a third party

  • a third party is anyone who is not a data subject, an processor, an intermediary or another natural person who processes personal data based on the authority of an processor or an intermediary,

  • responsible person means a person designated by the processor or intermediary who performs tasks according to this Act.


The purpose of processing personal data by the processor is to provide personnel and career counseling for the person concerned, especially for the purpose of employment placement to another employer (recipient) or temporary assignment to an employer that offers job opportunities for agency employees. For this purpose, the person concerned is obliged to notify the processor of all changes to the provided personal data within 14 days of the change.

The processor will, within the limits of the defined purpose, process data on the identity of the person concerned (title, name, surname), data on the permanent and temporary residence of the person concerned (address, house number, municipality, zip code and state), data on nationality, photo, contact information (phone, e-mail), data on education (level of education, educational institution, duration of study, year of graduation, academic degree), data on previous jobs (type of work, employers), data on qualifications and skills (professional exams, certificates, driver's license), the applicant's expectations in relation to the required job position or the work performed, the starting date and the expected payment conditions.

The legal basis for the processing of personal data is the consent of the person concerned granted through registration on the website of the processor recorded by electronic means, or written consent, for the disclosure and provision of personal data from the information system to companies in the Trenkwalder group and other subjects (recipients), especially potential employers, including subjects in the member states of the European Union, exclusively in relation to the purpose of processing defined above. The person concerned agrees to the cross-border flow of personal data, and thus to the provision and making available of this personal data to member countries of the European Union.

The person concerned acknowledges that in the case of successful employment mediation by the processor, his/her personal data will also be provided to the Center for Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic in accordance with the provisions of § 31 par. 1 letter e) of Act no. 5/2004 Coll. on employment services as amended.

In accordance with the provisions on the protection of personal data, the person concerned has:

  • the right to provide information about the type, structure and course of their processing of personal data,

  • the right to request access to personal data from the processor,

  • the right to correct personal data,

  • the right to withdraw the consent to the processing of personal data that the data subject previously granted to the processor,

  • file a proposal to initiate proceedings pursuant to § 100 of the Personal Data Protection Act,

  • the right to delete or limit the processing of personal data,

  • the right to object to the processing of personal data as well as the right to portability of personal data,


The processing of special categories of personal data is prohibited. Special categories of personal data are data that reveal racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious beliefs, philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic data, biometric data, health data or data related to the sex life or sexual orientation of a natural person.

When processing personal data, a generally applicable identifier may be used for the purpose of identifying a natural person only if its use is necessary to achieve the given purpose of processing. Consent to the processing of a generally applicable identifier must be explicit and must not be excluded by a special regulation, if it is processed on the legal basis of the consent of the person concerned. Publishing a generally usable identifier is prohibited; this does not apply if the generally applicable identifier is published by the person concerned.


The processor is obliged to keep confidential the personal data it processes. The obligation of confidentiality continues even after the processing of personal data has ended. The processor undertakes to protect the employee's personal data, to prevent unauthorized access to them, and to ensure their subsequent liquidation (deletion) after the expiration of the storage period imposed by law or the termination of the purpose of their processing.


The person concerned has the right to have the processor correct incorrect personal data concerning him without undue delay. Taking into account the purpose of personal data processing, the data subject has the right to supplement incomplete personal data. The person concerned has the right to have the processor delete personal data concerning him without undue delay, and the competent authority is obliged to delete personal data without undue delay if:

  • the processing of personal data is contrary to the principles of personal data processing,

  • the processing of personal data is contrary to the requirements for the processing of special categories of personal data

  • erasure of personal data is necessary for the purpose of fulfilling the obligations under this law, a special regulation or an international treaty to which the Slovak Republic is bound.


Contact details of the processor:

Trenkwalder, a.s.

Mickiewiczova 9, 81107 Bratislava

Any person concerned can send suggestions and requests regarding the processing of personal data to the e-mail address established by the processor for this purpose. The processor designated the person responsible for the processing of personal data, Mgr. Vojtech Budaváry, email:

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